The Wise Wife Book: 'Cause Wisdom Lasts Longer than Botox!

The Wise Wife Book: 'Cause Wisdom Lasts Longer than Botox!

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Did you enter marriage with high hopes only to find yourself disappointed in your husband and frustrated with yourself? Are you trying your hardest, but not even sure that he notices your efforts? Do you just want to “bump your marriage up” to the next level?

I don’t know about you, but when I look at my husband, I want to always remember that “boyfriend” that I just couldn’t wait to marry! I want to get all giddy and tingly as I look forward to years of enjoyment together, both while the kids are at home, and especially after they’re gone. Sometimes though, marriage is just hard work and it’s made harder by the fact that men and women truly don’t think the same! No matter how much “love” I pour into my marriage, if that husband of mine doesn’t feel “respected,” all those great efforts are total waste of time.
-Megan Scheibner


Join Megan, as she shares her experience as a counselor, teacher, and wife of 32 years and together, learn how to speak the biblical language of respect in a way that your husband will understand. In-depth chapters about respecting our husbands through our words, our actions, and even our thoughts and intentions will give you plenty of real-world ideas to put into practice. Solely intended to help you understand your man, bonus “What the Heck?” chapters will provide a whimsical, light-hearted, and slightly irreverent look at the glaring differences between men and women.